23-rd of February...


It feels like it was a week ago.

IMAGE: [A screenshot of site stats. Creation date label says that is was created on 23.02.2022.]

I was in Ukraine, starring at my Linux desktop, trying to find a way to etertain myself. I loved old websites and forums already, and when I discovered some video on YouTube about old web, I looked in the comments and noticed someone mentioning Neocities. This day was my first day here. It was amazing. I visited Neocities, browsed lots of websites and by the evening of that day I decided to read ToS, Privacy Policy and try to register here. I liked all the policies. I registered here and I'm so happy I actually did.

I made my first real website.

The next day was the worst day in my life...

After all of this mess going around I want to say thanks to you all. Tomorrow will be a year after this fucking war began. Everything was ruined. I was going to solve all my studying problems that week, but we all know what happened. I already mentioned that I'm in Poland now, although I never wanted to be here. I'm just hiding from this nightmare. And...

I don't know what is going to happen next. I don't know what to expect.

What happened since I was last active?

Sorry about this guys. I just had no time and will to do something with the website. I had too much things to do, including my fucking therapist that signs me on things I never agreed for, fucking my weekends and holidays up. Including people around me who are so selfish and fucked up that I want to jump off the cliff when standing next to them. I'm so tired already. Sometimes I'm thinking about lying into the grave just to finally have enough sleep. Scary and silly thoughts...

But something happened. Just a few weeks ago (to be clear - on 11.02.2023) I FINALLY managed to install Arch Linux BTW on this fucking laptop. Yeah, no more Windows 11. Rest in piss, Windows 11, you won't be missed. And... It just works! As it was intended to. And I love it. I love the fact that it works now, without any fucking bugs, freezes and glitches. Games I love work flawlessly now, OBS works now, Blender, Kdenlive, Handbrake - EVERYTHING WORKS NOW, as it supposed to! And I can't describe how happy I am that it does.

IMAGE: [MATE terminal with Neofetch command output in it. Arch linux is installed. Everything is fine.]

I'm trying to be active on forums, so they will be alive. Meanwhile, my public email is still there, so you can send me some notes if you want to. All the social networks are pure shit, and I don't want to use them. Fuck it. Twitter dies rapidly, VK is dead already, same for Facebook... But email will be alive as long as the internet lives. And I hope that Discord will be alive too. Despite all the fuckups - I love it.

Right now I'm doing nothing. I'm just waiting for 24-rd of fucking February. You-know-who wanted to win in 3 days and fucked up. I hope that he will fuck up again, if he will try to do the same. I hope that someone will stop him from doing so. Forever. Everyone are sick of him already.

Meanwhile I want to say thanks to many people out there who are really helping me and supporting me right now.

To the ones I'm suffering from... Go down in green flames, fucking assholes.